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The Power of Stones

Gemstones can help you grow
We believe that gemstones can assist you in focusing on your dreams and in overcoming challenges. They have been attributed with protective and supportive properties for thousands of years and it is partly these qualities that make them so precious across cultures and geographies.
Gemstones can be a powerful ally, encouraging your growth and supporting your evolution as you become the best version of yourself. Each stone has its own unique energy, with the ability to uplift you as you align with its frequency. Every shade reflects the stone’s individual strengths and relates to a different aspect of your emotions. When selecting a stone, go with the colour you are most drawn to and allow your intuition to choose the stone you need the most.
How to activate their Power
One way to work with your chosen gemstone is to hold your piece of jewellery whenever you have a few peaceful moments. Take five deep breaths and remember why you chose this piece, what was the message you wanted to give yourself with it and what was the reason it spoke to you. As you bring your attention to your breath, focus on the colours of the stone and absorb the beauty of the jewel, allow it to remind you of all that you are and feel your challenges ebb away from you as you are filled with renewed strength and vigour.
The Meaning behind each Stone
The colour of self-love and emotional healing, its gentle support helps us to open up to love.
Wear Morganite to let your heart walls down and to let love in.
Morganite, with its soft pinks, is associated with self-love and heart healing. When we find it difficult to open up and to let love into our lives, this calming stone acts like a balm upon emotional wounds, gently soothing them and allowing them to heal. The rose blush of this uplifting stone helps release our fears and buried emotions so that we are once more open to receiving. Just as the light glints off it, you will find love mirrored back to you in a myriad of ways.
Enhances the sense of the infinite we experience as we fall in love and touch the face of the divine.
Wear it for more beauty and romance in your life and in your relationships.
Born of the churned ocean, pink sapphire formed as the gods and demons stirred up the sea in pursuit of ‘Amrita’, the divine nectar that granted immortality. As Lakshmi emerged from the waves, water dripped off the lotus flower she held and crystallised into pale pink stones. Its pink tones range from the lightest shades of petal to a passionate hot pink and recalls the first flushes of romance and the joy we experience as we fall in love. Like the lotus flower, it reminds us of how love grows, starting first as a tight bud before blooming into something deep, long lasting and eternal - the closest we can get to immortality and a sense of the divine.
Associated with peace, protection and psychic abilities, amethyst opens the mind and brings clear-headedness.
Wear amethyst for emotional strength, spiritual protection and clarity of thought.
This sparkling stone was once an equally stunning young woman named Amethyst. On the way to the temple of Artemis - goddess of the hunt, the moon and protector of young women -  she encountered Dionysus, god of wine, revelry and transcendence. She cried out to Artemis for protection from his drunken advances and was instantly turned into a glittering column of pure white quartz. As Dionysus wept with remorse, he knocked over his cup of wine and stained what was once the hem of Amethyst’s dress, purple.
The word ‘amethyst’ derives from the Ancient Greek for ‘not intoxicated’. The stone was used in the ancient world to make drinking goblets -  in the belief that they would prevent hangovers - and worn as amulets to protect against headaches.
Helps us ground our dreams into reality and know that our prayers will always be answered.
Wear it for reassurance that your prayers will be answered and your dreams will come true.
Tanzanite is found in the foothills of Kilimanjaro. Legend has it that, thousands of years ago on the Maasai Steppe in Tanzania, the leader of the Maasai people took the perilous journey up Mount Kilimanjaro to pray for rain after years of drought. He left his daughter, Ayanda, in charge as ruler but the seasons continued to pass without relief. One night she had a dream in which she met her father and he guided her to a vast lake with depths of the deepest indigo. She set off in search of the lake, walking for weeks through her arid lands until finally she reached a valley hidden in the Merelani Hills. There in front of her was the lake her father had shown her in her dreams. As she caught sight of his face in the water she reached in to touch it; as she did so it vanished, shattering into a thousand tiny pieces. Lifting her hand from the water she watched a droplet fall into her lap and saw it transform into a gem the colour of the lake. She gasped in wonder and held it up to the sky smiling in awe and felt the first long-awaited drop of rain land upon her face.
Allows us to see more clearly as we access the truth of our soul’s knowing.
Wear blue sapphire for wisdom, insight and serenity.
Sapphire is a stone of wisdom and serenity. It promotes a peaceful state of mind in which we are able to perceive life’s deep truths without the interference of emotion or ego. Associated with Apollo, god of truth, prophecy and healing, it was worn by those hoping to receive insight when seeking the advice from the Oracle of Delphi.
Its deep blue colour is the colour of divine love and the foundation of all things. In Ancient Persia it was believed that the earth rested on a giant sapphire pedestal and its reflection gave the sky its glorious blue colour. Sapphire found in the earth were chips from the pedestal and a token of the original wisdom of creation.
Pinpoints the direction of your journey as you travel towards your true North.
Wear iolite for a sense of direction as you follow the stars to your true purpose.
Stolen from the night sky, iolite’s inky darkness shifts to reveal shades of violet-blue. Used by Vikings as a compass stone, iolite is strongly associated with exploration and helps you to pinpoint your own North. Just as ancient travellers navigated by the stars, iolite acts as a lode-stone ensuring that we are never lost at sea in the ocean of life’s experiences.
A deeply mystical stone, blue opal is closely connected with communication and creation.
Wear for your wishes to be heard and for your deepest desires to manifest.
The iridescent play of light within opal has connected them closely with rainbows and messages from the divine across cultures. The opal outcrops found in Australia were sacred to Aboriginal Australians and featured prominently in their creation stories and due to their mystical properties, opals were used only in spiritual ceremonies. In Ancient Hindu myth, opals were believed to be a form of crystalline rainbow, created after the goddess of the rainbow had fallen to the ground. In Ancient Greece, the goddess Iris travelled on rainbows as she delivered good news from the gods.
Provides clarity of expression, allowing us to speak more freely knowing that we are always protected when we speak our soul’s truth.
Wear aquamarine for greater emotional connection and when taking long journeys overseas.
Aquamarine was believed to have been washed ashore from mermaids’ treasure chests. Meaning ‘sea water’, its association with Neptune, god of the sea, caused sailors to wear it as a talisman for protection against the dangers of sea-faring and sea-sickness. Its hardness made it particularly suitable for intaglio work (the engraving of precious stones) which was practiced throughout the ancient mediterranean region with images of Olympian deities, heroes  and historical figures carved upon aquamarine stones. This practice was revived during the Renaissance along with beliefs about its medical efficacy: like many precious stones it was believed to be a powerful anti-venom along with offering luck and protection to its wearer.
Supports peaceful and harmonious interactions with others, encouraging communication at a soul level without the interference of ego.
Wear blue topaz for peaceful and harmonious interactions with others.
Pale blue topaz is associated with the throat chakra, providing the ability to speak with great eloquence. Historically topaz was worn to strengthen the intellect, lessen anger and sadness, eliminate cowardice and cure madness. It was thought that it would lose its colour in the presence of poison making it a protective as well as a healing stone.
Connecting us to our creativity and spiritual gifts, the iridescent opal brings an awareness of our cosmic nature.
Wear white opal to connect with your soul’s purpose and spiritual gifts.
In Ancient Greece, opal was believed to be the tears of Zeus shed in joyful victory and the fiery play of colour within it, trapped lightning bolts. The Roman writer Pliny the Elder wrote at length about the beauty of opals and his difficulty in describing them, “displaying at once the piercing fire of garnet, the purple brilliancy of amethyst, and the sea-green of emerald, the whole blended together and refulgent with a brightness that is quite incredible” and describes how others had seen the ‘“flames of burning sulphur” within it. A powerful stone for connecting with your soul purpose and spiritual gifts, white opal brings an awareness of our cosmic nature.
Reflects clarity, purity and divinity as our souls navigate the earthly realm.
Wear white diamond when you want to sparkle with purity of thought and an eternal awareness of your own divinity.
Believed to be the tears of the gods, splinters from falling stars or created when lightning strikes the earth, diamonds have developed their own mythology in every culture. According to legend they were once found only within the Valley of the Diamonds, a dangerous and inaccessible place where the ground sparkled with these precious stones. So pure that no man could touch them, they were fiercely guarded by venomous snakes and the only way of obtaining them was with the assistance of wild eagles.
Peridot is a stone of abundance, fertility and feminine power.
Wear peridot for creativity, for birthing new ideas and attracting abundance.
Peridot is sacred to the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes, Pele. The tiny green stones, abundant in Hawaii, are called ‘Pele’s diamonds’. In one legend about the origins of the volcanic islands, Pele was seeking to escape her jealous sister, the goddess of the water. She ran to the Pacific Ocean where she created islands by erupting into fire but each time her sister would thwart her efforts with huge waves. Eventually she was able to rest after birthing the largest volcano of all, Mauna Loa. Traces of Pele can be found across the islands: her hair - fine strands of volcanic glass; her tears - formed when drops of lava shoots out so quickly into the air it cools instantly, and; her diamonds.
The colour of unconditional love, emerald soothes the soul and expands the heart.
Wear emerald to soothe the soul and for a greater love for life.
Emeralds were known and sold in Babylonian markets over six thousand years ago and have long been considered a very powerful stone. They were highly prized by the Incas who used them in religious ceremonies and in jewellery. In Ancient Egypt emeralds were a symbol of fertility and immortality and were favoured by Cleopatra. The Romans believed that the colour of an emerald developed in intensity as it matured, going from a light pale green to a deep ‘emerald’ green. Its deep greens are associated with the heart chakra and offer assistance in owning our hearts allowing us to give, receive and embody more love.
Assists with periods of transition in life and helping you to ease in to new beginnings.
Wear for gentle uplifting support as step forward into your future.
The pale tones of yellow sapphire carry the beauty of new beginnings. Associated with Eos, the goddess of the dawn, yellow sapphire gently uplifts us as we edge tentatively towards the future. Eos was the gatekeeper for the sun, each morning she would pull open the gates to allow the sun to reach its highest point in the sky. Every great success has its small beginnings and yellow sapphire helps to usher the new start in.
A stone made of solid sunbeams, it radiates happiness and helps us to engage with life optimistically.
Wear it to support your drive, determination and motivation.
This powerful sun stone radiates happiness and encourages you to look at the future with optimism. Each day the sun god, Helios, rode his chariot through the sky pulling the sun from beneath the horizon to its highest point. In certain parts of the ancient world the midday sun was so intense that the light would crystallise as it reached the earth: citrine is solid sunbeams. Intensely uplifting, it reinforces the solar plexus - the energetic centre of our power, drive and motivation - and strengthens our sense of self. Containing the energy of the sun its bright yellows immediately remind us of hot, sunny happy days and the promise of summer.
Enhances your ability to connect with yourself and others.
Wear it to connect with your inner abundance and for assistance in feeling worthy of receiving.
Associated with the sacred flame of Vesta, the Roman goddess of the hearth, this fiery stone enhances your ability to connect with yourself and others. The colour of the sacral chakra, seat of creativity and fertility, orange sapphire magnifies the creative spark within us and expands the sense of warmth we feel towards ourselves and to those around us. Its glowing colours connect us to a sense of abundance and support us in feeling worthy of receiving.
Connecting us with our passions, ruby brings courage and drive supporting us as we find our purpose in life.
Wear ruby for the courage to live life with passion.
Valued above diamonds and prized for their deep red colour for centuries, rubies have been attributed the power of life and associated with both love and anger. Burmese warriors believed the stones would make them invincible in battle and inserted them into their skin to take on the stone’s power. One legend has it that rubies were so prolific that crows would carry the stone in their claws whilst rulers of the country adorned everything from shoes to daggers with them. In Sanskrit, the word for ‘ruby’ translates as, the “king of precious stones”. Strongly associated with the root chakra, their deep red makes them especially grounding and protective, enabling the wearer to build deep foundations in life.
Associated with love’s return, garnet is believed to bring health, wealth and good fortune to those who wear it.
Wear garnet as a promise to remain true to yourself or another.
Resembling pomegranate seeds, garnet is the stone of the goddess Persephone, Queen of the Underworld and wife of Hades. Fearing he would lose her forever, Hades gave Persephone a handful of pomegranate seeds to eat as she left the underworld to return to the light, thus guaranteeing her return. Persephone remained above the ground for two thirds of the year and returned each winter to the underworld. Garnet, like the pomegranate, has come to symbolise eternity and is believed to remove the distance between lovers and promise a safe return when travelling.
Black diamond connects us with the brilliant light of hope in our darkest moments.
Wear black diamond to connect with your inner light of hope.
A stone of legendary hardness, ‘diamond’ comes from the ancient greek ἀδάμας (adámas) meaning simply, very hard. Coming from deep within the earth they are formed under great pressure. The Ancient Greek god of the underworld and of wealth, Pluto, shows us how the most precious gifts are found in the darkest places. Black diamonds are representative of the times when we have found ourselves in times of great difficulty and a reminder that, no matter how hard it is, we are deeply resilient and will return once more to the light, transformed - just like the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone, did each year.
